Wednesday, August 1, 2007

NineMoons's Granado Espada Trivia Bonanza: Difficult Round!

Original rules.

The most important rules:

1. Email all answers to This is the only way you can submit your answers to the trivia questions. I'll be disabling comments on this post, and I will also not be accepting answers posted to the announcement thread at the official forums.

Remember, if you want your answers to be included in the competition, email them to!!

2. For all trivia contest entries, the following restrictions apply:
- A misspelled answer is a wrong answer
- All or nothing format will be followed, especially for questions that require multiple answers
- Changing answers will not be allowed
- Follow all directions very carefully!

3. While this contest is intended primarily for the Philippine players and community of Granado Espada, our international players are also encouraged to join in.

4. Answers should be sent in this format:
- Family Name / In-game Name
- Server
- Email address
- Answers

5. Deadline for submission of entries will be at 11:59 PM (Singapore time) of the Friday after each round of questions is released.

Meaning, you must submit your answers for the Difficult round of questions by 11:59 PM of Friday, 3 August.


Third and final round of questions - brace yourselves, it's the Difficult round!

- What is the ATK of an unmodified Barkir Rifle?
- Name all the places indicated on the signpost in the Reboldoeux Stone Pit.
- Name the item that shows your political party affiliation.
- Who is the Old World swordsmith who is also known as the God of Swordmaking?
- What is the name of the body of water that separates the Old World from the New World?


If you were unable to answer the Easy or Average questions, this is your last chance to join in!

I'll be announcing the winners next Thursday, August 9.

Good luck to all and don't forget to email me your answers by tomorrow night, 3 August!