Allow me to repost the conversion values here. EP = e-Points, GP = G-Points, ABS = Adelina's Booty Search.
20 EP = 230 GP + 1 ABS
50 EP = 750 GP + 3 ABS
100 EP = 1800 GP + 5 ABS
200 EP = 3600 GP + 8 ABS
300 EP = 5800 GP + 10 ABS
1000 EP = 23800 GP + 35 ABS
Now, I guess my only question is, where can I buy me a 1000 eP card???
EDITED TO ADD: CM Aethrin has popped in with a link to a list of the e-Points retailers. The list is here: e-Games Partners. He says the list is updated on a monthly basis.
SON OF EDITED TO ADD: The forum discussion thread for this news is buzzing with CM Aethrin's announcement: Coming soon: the 70k g-points denomination in the Philippines!
w00t! Finally! I hope this means more players coming in!
@ alcarcalimo
we can hope!
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