Family status:
NineMoons in Cervantes
Levels - 76-all
Members - Aurana, full-support scout / Tuon, rapier duelist / Chimal, landbound wizard
Colony Wars news:
Two weeks ago four servers were represented for the Vespanola Times's Colony Wars reports. I reported for Cervantes, the wonderful and wacky Reclusion brothers for Carracci [with assistance from the Mena family], my dear friend DeSanggria for Caravaggio, and the Yatsushiro family for Pachelbel.
But from the 30th of December onward, I alone will be left reporting on one server's Colony Wars sessions once again. I feel angry and disappointed and thoroughly let down.
And I am not angry at the reporters who have left - they have my deepest sympathies. I understand why they had to leave. In the case of the Reclusion boys and of DeSanggria, their own servers have turned against them.
Where they had been asked to report courageously from the front lines of battle, they were instead met with jeering, anger, and charges of favoritism and incompetence.
Where we set out to drum up interest for our respective servers, we were instead rebuffed and called shameful names.
All of us were asked to do these things for our servers, and we have been faithful in our duties, but we have not got much except sneering indifference from some and outright hatred from others.
Where is the community spirit? Where is the wish to draw more people into this game? Where have all the good players gone? Have Granado Espada's servers been taken over by those who will eventually bring this game down?
Where is the assistance and support from those who are tasked to help out the game? Where are the GMs? Where are the country CMs? Who is in charge?
Who is going to read this plaintive cry?
My name is NineMoons and I am the CW reporter from Cervantes server. And I am disappointed.
9moons, Ive been following your colony wars report for our server every week and I want to say that you really have done a great job.
I hope you don't give up on your weekly reports and continue to contribute to the GE community. Its the people like you that can make a difference.
sis, i had no idea about reclusion until u posted this. what the hell happened?
The thing is that being a reporter means being fair to anyone or at least not taking sides. The probable cause of the other servers going against their reporters is that, if I may say so, all reports focus on the reporters' faction. Of course this is natural if it is a private blog post. But getting the reports published as a server report requires that it either stays neutral or, if its gonna feature his/her faction then feature the story from the end of the other factions as well. Also the reporters must understand that however they try to make their reports as fair as they can, you guys simply cannot please everybody.
Anyway keep up the good work and I hope you don't get affected by issues like these like the other reporters ^_^.
Viva Cervantes, The best server haha.
@ Anonymous
whoever you are my problem is not the FREAKING FLAMERS cause were IMUNE to them my problem is those "PEOPLE WHO USED OUR STUFFS BUT DIDNT SHOW ANY APPRECIATION aka IAH.."
masyado lng kami disappointed sa IAH actually bale wala ung mga nag flaflame eh lol isang beses lng naman yun with a lvl 1 family duh! eh natutuwa mga caraccians sa report ko dahil most faction are being in the spotlight not just one not just my faction ang kinasasama lng ng loob ko eh mga people who used our reports eh hindi man lang nagbibigay ng appreciation sa atin XD wheres the spirit of xmas lol? taken for granted :p eh samantalang halos di na natin na eenjoy ung CW dahil sa kakaiisip ng masusulat, they shudve grant our xmas wish to show some appreciation no? lol another thing look at the winner of the FFA vista week? its a tie then ipagkumpara nyo yung dalawang nanalong film and you will get the picture... whats with them ba?
But I thought you guys were doing it voluntarily? I didn't know that you were expecting something in return for what you were doing. I thought it was for the love of the game. Anyway I dont know about your agreements with iah so i'll leave it at that.
As for the ffa. Yeah its questionable how an overused boring dramatic film would tie with a fun story with more creativity lol.
its not "voluntarily" were asked to do it. and they promised to give us compensation.. 3 months later wheres the compensation?
we got different sentiments
i would prefer "a well crafted, well made and well executed film aka an overused boring dramatic film "to win rather than a spoof its not a battle of fun vs not fun film though its a battle of skills....
i agree with the person above. Quality Films are being overshadowed by some So-So funny spoofs...
Ok then if you were promised a compensation then disregard my previous comments.
As for the FFA. You mean the skills to bore the viewers to death with an overtimed film?
ok ok youre bored with kincaids team but comparing the quality of the two films frankly the Spoof is nothing.... its my honest opinion
"Anonymous said...
The thing is that being a reporter means being fair to anyone or at least not taking sides. The probable cause of the other servers going against their reporters is that, if I may say so, all reports focus on the reporters' faction. Of course this is natural if it is a private blog post. But getting the reports published as a server report requires that it either stays neutral or, if its gonna feature his/her faction then feature the story from the end of the other factions as well. Also the reporters must understand that however they try to make their reports as fair as they can, you guys simply cannot please everybody.
Anyway keep up the good work and I hope you don't get affected by issues like these like the other reporters ^_^.
Viva Cervantes, The best server haha."
You're arrogance blinds you.
" Anonymous said...
Ok then if you were promised a compensation then disregard my previous comments.
As for the FFA. You mean the skills to bore the viewers to death with an overtimed film?"
If your cephalic process cannot comprehend with the intellectuals' don't react because you are off track.
oh my were planning to make a horror film for the FFA..
maybe we will switch to funny genre or anime spoof cause its much
appreciated by the viewers! kidding
maybe the intellects of the FFA judges and the majority of the viewers are not that high to appreciate Dramatic Films like the winning entry "Relapse" and it is considered as a "big fat bore" like that anonymous guy stated...
If you are going to flame me by pathetically trying to sound intelligible then at least learn how to properly use the term "cephalic process" lol. Your statement just made you sound like a wannabe smarty boy.
As for kincaids' team I really have nothing against them. I only reacted to reclusion's comment which seemed as if the other entry wasn't worthy of the tie. Let's put it this way, the better effort of kincaid's team made them the winner while that of the other's substance made them co-winner.
And then? Does your comment make sense anyway and anyhow? You clearly said its "BORING" - B O R I N G and "OVER-TIME DRAMATIC FILM". In our opinion, it is much deserving to win rather than a spoof. And if you don't have something good to say, rather keep your mouth shut so i won't react either. ok?
And Lastly, in my opinion, you're over-reacting much with it.
Just my 2 cents.... Zai jian
"Anonymous said...
If you are going to flame me by pathetically trying to sound intelligible then at least learn how to properly use the term "cephalic process" lol. Your statement just made you sound like a wannabe smarty boy.
As for kincaids' team I really have nothing against them. I only reacted to reclusion's comment which seemed as if the other entry wasn't worthy of the tie. Let's put it this way, the better effort of kincaid's team made them the winner while that of the other's substance made them co-winner."
Oh am sorry did my pin get in the way of your ass?
Anyway you are not credible enough to say things around here. Because I am credible than you are mr/ms Anonymous. Scaredy cat!
Did you just pertain to our movie as an "overused boring dramatic film"?
FYI, we put our time and efforts in it! Maybe people like you just don't get to appreciate 'our art' hence you settle with a spoof.
And another thing, we're not "over timed" because the criteria clearly changed and any time excess is allowed but only 10 minutes of the whole movie would be judged.
The submission dates didn't even mention that only SPOOFS would win in that date. Big D-U-H.
I'm contented enough we got our "debut, hard worked film" in the Grand Finals.
It's enough to give bragging rights and rant about how you comment on our work. Sorry our recording may not be that perfect, but at least we made something good out of talents instead of trashing others.
Like ninemoons, I am disappointed at this comment. But it doesn't bring my spirit down. For you Anonymous, we would make a better video.
..Just make sure you don't reveal your self or else you may face the wrath of Sigrid.
Haha. :)
Quoting Fiksdotter:
"If your cephalic process cannot comprehend with the intellectuals' don't react because you are off track."
I don't think Anonymous understood that. His plain thinking that only 'spoofs are creative' somehow proved his brain is in his a**.
you know what..why don't you try reporting for once and see how difficult it is to be everywhere and cover everything.
you see, some are just whining about it because they wanna see their faction flaunted for the whole world to see. and technically speaking, one cannot be purely objective in a sense because everything is shadowed in ideology. ideology in itself is biased.
all i'm saying is that if people have any complaints, they should tell it to the people concerned and not by stooping to do uncivilized things. the fact that all they do is whine and complain when they themselves do not contribute anything to the betterment of their server's reports says a lot about their character.
i am not after any recognition or compensation at all because i love to write and i love this game. i do undertake people to try reporting themselves and see what it's like to do the things that we do and get feedback that does not even help one bit.
Nate, I said its boring because me, my friends and some of the people I forwarded it said its boring.
Fiks, You more credible than me? Lol. Who's arrogant now.
Lady K, if you only watch 10 minutes of your movie, what kind of story will you understand? Since only the first 10 minutes matter, do you really think your movie makes sense without the remaining minutes?
Oh my family name is Naitomea, feel free to hunt me in cervantes superfriends
Naitomea, whoever Pontius Pilate you are. I said Tokoyoshi's Film is not good as your "so-called" OVER-TIME BORING film of Kincaid. And Its my opinion which I really wanna PUKE. Get it? Or still want me to emphasize what do we really mean? And wheres the originality of the story? Isnt Tokoyoshi adopted the Chobbit's Story? Wow, It really makes wanna say CHIIIII..... Aigoo! As I said, if you dont have something nice to say please keep your mouth shut. And you do expect that all FFA Participants that they only make 10minutes Films only? Aren't Tokoyoshi insisted couple of minutes extension which I truly oppose? And SORRY, we're from a different server. I'm from Caracci...
I wonder if you can make a GE Vid? or just know how to criticize?
I wonder if you're an "OTAKU" like Tokoyoshi. If you are, I wouldn't wonder more why you are really into it.
The world is getting weird....
@ Anonymous
Hmmm...overused boring dramatic film you say? Makes me laugh to hear those words buddy...I don't think you like those types of movies if that's the case But maybe using those words is too much?
I understand you don't like the movie fine....but you should know...movies like that are hard to make you put a lot of effort for it to be good if you said it's boring them what about those who liked it?
Try to think before you post dude...
And I'll have to agree with Nate, just keep your mouth SHUT if don't have anything nice to say LOL
Oh my family name is Naitomea, feel free to hunt me in cervantes superfriends
why waste our time? :P
Naitomea is your family name, doesn't appeal to me. i rather choose to hunt down diablo. i rest my case you're just making yourself popular but you can't.
here we have a quintessential example of whiners and complainers.
*le sigh*
i dare you guys to go do CW reports. 'nuff said.
Since I was the only one left from the Kincaid group without a comment, I feel that I need to join the bandwagon.
Obviously, you believe that IAH's decision in the first week's FFA is incredulous. If you think it bored you to death, and/or it was an overly dramatic cliche, or it simply just doesn't suit your fancy... Sure, I believe that we are entitled to our own opinions, "to each his own."
But the decision was never ours, we are simply just another team wanting to win. And it just so happened that our effort was recognized above all the other entries. I do believe that we had a fighting chance to win, and maybe we really did have something.
Regarding the plot, if you have really been counting, at exactly 10:00 minutes, the screen shows a blue sky with the word "always...", while the next few seconds will show the word "love...", and then fade to credits, which will run at 3 minutes more, thus making the total length of the movie at a little over 13 minutes. Unless you feel that there's more plot while reading the names of everyone who participated, I dunno where you got your "theres no plot if you only watch 10 minutes..."
And I also need to point out that having an overtimed film, doesn't discredit us. Kindly read the rules, because we're quite covered.
Finally, from what you've been saying, I don't think you ever respected IAH's decision. And for that, it is something that is beyond us as filmmakers. What you can do however, is show how you can create something BETTER, not only in your own understanding of the word.
Regarding the CW reports, I only read that which I have seen and/or participated at, and I believe that everyone has been trying their best to be as judicious and fair to both sides.
So if you don't think they're doing a good job than they should be, why don't you produce your own reports?
And then ask yourself: Can you be someone who can actually constructively criticize and contribute better, than someone who just whines and complains? If you want to be a real critic, get yourself some credibility.
Naitomea @ Kincaid's comment:
Naitomea *nosebleed*
nate, just because i preferred a vid about an anime it doesn't mean i'm an otaku. If I follow your thinking then its safe to presume that your one of those drama die hard fans who get interviewed in tv during premiere releases and commenting how nice the movie was while wiping your teary eyes with a hanky.
lordgriever, I know it is hard to make and I know a lot of effort was put. If you will read one of my posts I said that as a reason for the win.
girlinthebox, i only said my name cause they were dieing to find it out.
fiks, i dont care if my name appeals to you or not. If I want to make myself popular Ill broad everyday or spam the forums instead . Besided you guys were the ones who fired it up.
desanggria, which part of my posts sounds like a whine about your CW reports?
kincaid, I respect IAHs decision more than all of you who posted here did. If you would reread all my posts you will find out that it began when desanggria made a comment implying that the other vid was not worth a tie. Then you guys jumped in implying the same thing. Tell me, who doesnt respect the tie then? As for the CW reports, I have nothing against the reporters. Perhaps I may have stated it wrongly but I was just trying to say the reasons as to why the servers went up against their respective reporters. Nothing in there says about their reports sucking or whatever.
Lady k, i'm sure you love to see that :p
"girlinthebox, i only said my name cause they were dieing to find it out."
You go your spelling wrong. It's "dying" not dieing. ^_^
"Lady k, i'm sure you love to see that :p"
...you're 100% sure. ^_^
We were defending our video because it was you who have been throwing comments that seemed to imply, that ours was not worthy of a tie.
I believe that it was you who pointed FIRST that "yeah its questionable how an overused boring dramatic film would tie with a fun story with more creativity"
i loled at the anonymous aka naitomea guy he doesnt know how to read...
and i agree his the one who started based on what his post...
this is anonymous/naitomeas reply after reclusion said his thoughts about the FFA result without saying anything againts in either two teams
this is anony/naitomea reply below
As for the ffa. Yeah its questionable how an overused boring dramatic film would tie with a fun story with more creativity lol.
and i do believe that he's a pinoy because the post above his reply is written in TAGALOG so i think we dont need to post in english "kasi baka hindi naman niya naiintindihan"
now whos the one who started?
I started it?
"lol another thing look at the winner of the FFA vista week? its a tie then ipagkumpara nyo yung dalawang nanalong film and you will get the picture... whats with them ba?"
What does this imply then?
LOL at anonymous. why can't further speak english? you're running out of english vocabulary in your treasure chest.
did he even say kung cnu ung worse in the first place? if you read my brothers post.
Rec said:
examine word by word!
"lol another thing look at the winner of the FFA vista week? its a tie then ipagkumpara nyo yung dalawang nanalong film and you will get the picture... whats with them ba?"
Clearly sinasabi nya sa kanyang "FIRST POST" na disappointed sya sa result without "HURTING" at walang PINATATAMAAN o INIINSULTONG team the post remains neutral o sa tagalog WALANG PINAPANIGAN.
then u replied some favorable and destructive criticsm na surely tlgang ikakagalit o ikakaprovoke ng mga taong GUMAWA nun againts sa film ni Kincaid. now you specify at this point... thats why people are provoked. So Whos the one stated? ni rereview mo ba mga sinasabi mo lately? or you just post for the sake of replying? oh well tama nga ang statement ni fiksdotter it really suits you....
fyi, i never commented about the FFA.
he dunno how to read ds.
@ alkayel, desanggria, darrick07, nate, fiksdotter, missy jie, lady 'k, lordgriever, girlinthebox, kincaid, joan
thank you all very much for the sensible discussion. all of your comments have been quite nice to read. thanks for dropping by and reading this post, and for your support and common sense [which seems to be UNcommon for one of the other commenters, though]. happy new year to all of you.
@ anonymous AKA Naitomea
my dear, I really hope that you would try thinking your comments through before posting them. I've tolerated you so far but if you step over the line, please understand you will summarily be booted from this blog.
@ everyone
if I might make a request: kindly let Naitomea be. no more responses to his comments, please. thank you.
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