Wednesday, August 22, 2007

PK'd for the very first time!

Hope no one minds that there's no screenshot - I was too busy trying to figure out something I need to do on Sunday....

But, yes, the very first sGE player to win Baron Points off me is none other than the entity whose in-game name is miaka. This took place in Channel 2 of Cervantes server, on the El Lago de Tres Hermanas map, near the Pioneering Memorial. All it took to take out my team - and the mobs I was fighting - was a supercharged Chain Lightning spell from a female elementalist wearing Rosa Matrimonio robes.

Hey, miaka, I hope at least that my death by PK allows you to get your very own Wheel of Destiny costume that much sooner!

And man, I am so NOT looking forward to the day when I actually have to defend myself again, as I never even got a chance with this one....


Unknown said...


Unknown said...

oh i got PK'd by that family too...and in the same map as well. of course, PKing the likes of us versus a lvl 80+ character is a walk in a park for them. sometimes i have this feeling that some only PK people who have this big lvl disparity so it's always a win-win for them.

do you keep tabs on those who PK you?

PJ Punla said...

@ kelland

some time, when I can, I hope to get at least a lick back in...

@ desanggria

this one's fairly memorable as it's the first time ever, hence the entry ^^

Leoz said...

i hope they got lots bot.. i wanna kill them to get that casket =x

PJ Punla said...

@ leoz

hahaha! you want the casket? send me a screenie when yu've got it ^^

Manny said...

Thank goodness I stayed out of a PK server. Stuff like that ain't for me because I'm already happy with managing big mob counts, thank you.

But then again, no privileges for cool back items... :(

PJ Punla said...

@ filsimmer

well, in a way, I picked a PK server to help test my mettle in those circumstances. at this point, I'm clearly not yet strong enough to go up against them in a fight... :)

Anonymous said...

only first time? wow.. have fun if youre planning to join a faction w/ competition.

this is a pk server so theres no use in trying to NOT get pked.

PJ Punla said...

@ izumi

this is a pk server so theres no use in trying to NOT get pked

that's so true ^^