Again, I'll be posting the pics at a slightly smaller size so as not to kill your browsers too much. Please click on the photos to go to the Photobucket archive, where you can view all of them.
I woke up very early in the morning of 6 April with a splitting headache, and at some point as the day unfolded, I wondered if perhaps my body hadn't been trying to warn me about something.
I began my commute to the venue in hopes of making it in early, and because previous advisories had said that the pre-registered attendees would be allowed entrance as early as 8am. I was soon enough joined by my faction leader Fiksdotter, Artaxerxes, Darrick and Nate Reclusion, and Mena. Along with them came Whiteships [a/k/a/ Len-len], who was going to cosplay Feng Ling, and several other friends.

From left to right: Mena, Whiteships, Fiksdotter, and Nate Reclusion.
Getting into Dom1nation II proved to be quite an ordeal, all things considered: the pre-registration forms turned out to be so much wasted paper, as no one got into the venue itself, the second floor of the SMX Convention Center beside the SM Mall of Asia, before 10am. The old-fashioned registration stubs STILL had to be typed into the computers at the entrance BY HAND, instead of just being deposited for future cataloging. The lines were long and unruly, and the tension was compounded by the hot summer sun and the sheer LACK of food and drinks stands at the venue. Honestly, the few food and drinks sponsors could only serve so many at a time, and there were long stretches during which they ran out and consequently had to resupply.

Chaos at the entrance to Dom1nation II. This was what my headache warned me about.
Our group had run earlier into RCM Hrin and the other guests from IAHGames, and soon after Nate and I were able to get Whiteships registered and into her costume, Hrin walked over to the Granado Espada booth, along with Anne DeSanggria. Anne was back in her Idge cosplay outfit, but without the sword this time.
Cosplayers and Hrin in the same place: you know what that means! Pics!

From left to right: Idge, Feng Ling, and Hrin.

Feng Ling and Hrin hanging with the GE booth host, dressed up as Lisa Lynway.

Nate Reclusion joins Feng Ling and Idge for a photo-op.

Feng Ling and me, with my very own Granado Espada jacket ^^

Bloggers galore around Feng Ling! In foreground, Mena; standing are Nate, Fiksdotter, Feng Ling, Artaxerxes, Welling, Darrick, and friends.
A few of the bloggers wasted no time in getting pictures taken with Hrin:

Hrin and Darrick.

Me and Hrin.

Artaxerxes and Hrin.
Lots of people started coming in around lunch, and that included the team behind Fantazzztic Film Awards third-place film Perdonato:

From left to right, Weisswritter, Fetuccini, and Mortreux.

Weisswritter poses with Feng Ling.
More Granado Espada cosplayers:

Male wizard in Clara Mago, female elementalist in Robe of Fire. Check out her Bracelet of Three Kings!

Posing in foreground, Idge; standing are an IAHGames guest, Hrin, stormseeks as Grace Bernelli in a Bistre outfit, and pCM Veya as a fighter in the Le Corsaire costume.

Feng Ling and Grace Bernelli: DON'T mess with them!
Quite a few factions turned up for the event; and as DeSanggria remarked at some point, this was the first event at which all five of sGE's servers were represented.

Takhisis faction, Carracci.

Outcasts faction, Carracci.

†Pinoy†AllStars† faction, Pachelbel.

Aggrressor faction, Vivaldi.

Ph Care faction, Vivaldi.

RunAway faction, Caravaggio.

Vradical faction, Cervantes.

CARNAGE faction, Cervantes.
The faction banner/tarp contest came down to a final face-off between Vradical and Outcasts - and in the end, Outcasts' banners won the day.
Most Active Factions awardees
Ph Care, †Pinoy†AllStars†, AdeptasFraternas, Aggrressor, CARNAGE, Elite, Outcasts, Revolution, Templars, Vradical, WarGodz
Most Loyal Factions awardees
†Pinoy†AllStars†, CARNAGE, Outcasts
To be continued in the next entry with the FFA winners and the GE PH Community Heroes!
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