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Previous entry: Post-Dom1nation II, recap and review, part 1: Cosplay and Factions
After the faction honors, it was time to give due recognition to the Granado Espada PH Community Heroes.
First came the individual honors for the winners of the first Fantazzztic Film Awards:














And then the Philippine sweep of the first FFA was made clear, as the three PH teams that made the finals were given their prizes!

Veterans, Perdonato: Mortreux, Weisswritter, and Fetuccini.

Experts, Le Blanc (White): Fiksdotter, iCez, and Reclusion.

Grand Masters, Not Another Love Story: Ze Muzical!: Behringer, NineMoons, and Reclusion.
Next to be honored were the PH heroes of the GE Forums:

AUGLab, Community Crew. [IGN: Castiglione]

BlackSheep, Community Crew. [IGN: RavenBlitz]
The Colony Wars reporters were honored as well:

NineMoons, for Cervantes.

Reclusion, for Carracci.
And the GE PH bloggers with outstanding contributions to the community, not to mention all of whom were blogspotted:





Not in photos: Craeon, Deniva.
It was just too bad that the fan artists were not present at the venue!
And I hope that Blacksword and Arcleaumont receive recognition for their fan work too! [They were the PH community members most recently honored on the main site: Blacksword for his Player's Guide to Conventions and Events, and Arcleaumont for his War of the Factions 2 poster.]
While the awards were going on, several activities were taking place around the GE booth and elsewhere: the Battle of the Champions 2v2 Face-Off, won by the Visayas team; the New Settlers' Battle, the War of the Factions 5v5 PvP, and the live Adelina's Booty Search.
Unfortunately, the New World Trivia Quiz did not push through, for reasons yet unknown.
RCM Hrin and pCM Veya announced that Version 2.6 of sGE, as previously hinted at in one of Hrin's earlier blog entries, would be released on 12 June! That patch will have MAJOR consequences for Colony Wars, and introduce at least 3 new RNPCs - support/bard Vicente Rio, crossbow-user Calyce, and taekwondo martial artist Bai Hu.
In the background, bands such as Imago, Rivermaya, and Sugarfree played their hearts out for the audience. The event hosts were DJs Tado and Ramon Bautista of Magic 89.9, and Nancy Castiglione.
After Dom1nation II, the bloggers, several faction leaders and companions, and other players went to dinner with pCM Veya, Ivee Feria, RCM Hrin, and the guests from IAHGames. Someone ordered a dish of balut and invited the guests to try it out ^^
I'll be writing an article on Dom1nation II and Granado Espada for a future issue of the print edition of Game! magazine, so I hope you pick that one up too!
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