Thursday, June 19, 2008

Announcing: SEA / ANZ GE Hangaroo Version 1.0!

GranadoEspada Hangaroo

Project: SEA / ANZ GE Hangaroo Version 1.0 is now complete!

Just follow the instructions below to enjoy this custom
Granado Espada version of the popular Flash game Hangaroo!


1. Download the Hangaroo installer: click here.

2. The downloaded file should be called
hangaroo_setup. When the download finishes, double-click hangaroo_setup to install the game.

3. Download my seaGE Hangaroo phrase file: click here. You'll download a text file named
seaGE hangaroo.xml. Save it someplace convenient: your hard drive, flash drive, or whatever. Finally, delete the "seaGE" from the filename, so that it's called just hangaroo.xml.

4. Double-click the Hangaroo icon to run the game. Click the
Menu button located at the top right of the Hangaroo window, under the Copyright and Legal button.

5. Choose
Load Phrase File... and select the new hangaroo.xml that you downloaded. The game will automatically restart with the seaGE Hangaroo phrases.

6. To play Hangaroo, guess the hidden phrase to complete a level. Fill in the phrase with the correct letters to complete it. You can select the letters by either clicking on them with the mouse, or by inputting them in via the keyboard. But remember: you're allowed only FOUR wrong guesses per phrase. If you mess up, the kangaroo dies!

7. To save the kangaroo, complete ten puzzles.

8. Oh, did I mention that the kangaroo will comment on your correct and incorrect guesses? Don't be offended if he insults you - it's natural for him to get nervous, as it's
his life on the line!


1. ORIGINAL Hangaroo Game: copyright NetCent Communications.

2. SEA / ANZ GE Hangaroo Phrase File: copyright NineMoons Family.

3. Granado Espada: copyright Kim Hakkyu, IMC Entertainment, IAHGames, etc.

4. Please give all credit where credit is due.


1. Version 1.0 of the SEA / ANZ GE version of Hangaroo currently has around 200+ phrases.

2. I intend to keep expanding the custom phrase file, so watch this blog for announcements of new versions.

3. Please feel free to email me your lists of phrases for the seaGE Hangaroo game! Send them to me at and I will give you credit + copyright mention in the file.

4. Enjoy the game!


Manny said...

This will really challenged my noggin! Looks like I'll be filling up something in your phrase file soon. I'm not telling what it is but it sure is related to GE! :D

PJ Punla said...

@ manny

glad you had fun. send me that file soon.

Anonymous said...

wow!!! New game yay hahaha

I'll try it later [I'm bored during my free time ~_~"]

PJ Punla said...

@ deespania

if i might be so bold as to say it myself: Hangaroo is anti-boredom.

there's a big challenge in playing the original version; there's a certain fannish satisfaction in playing the GE version ^^