Original post, hinting at the new armors, the new maps, and the pets - includes videos
Changes to the world map, plus a link to another blog which discussed the upcoming Expert stances
The Constellation weapons, plus one of the two new RNPCs rumored to appear in Third Civilization
All photos and information sourced from the latest Third Civilization updates from doratomo.jp.
And now, here are the official details on Granado Espada Version 3.0.6, Third Civilization!
EDITED TO ADD 20 AUGUST 2008: And it turns out Third Civilization actually went live yesterday! Who'd have expected it to come to kGE so quickly???
This banner features the two new soldier RNPCs who will be featured in Third Civilization. The girl is Ania [quite possibly Anya?], and the guy is Nur.

One of the original concept illustrations for new armors to be released in Third Civilization.

It looks like this new area will be called something like "Eraku" [possibly derived from Iraq?]. There will be the deserted town/spawn area, at least two temple maps - Temple of the Sun and Temple of the Moon - and the dungeon, "Okuruta".
The Constellation Weapons and the Expert Stances will be major features of Third Civilization.
And now that kGE's venturing into Third Civilization - I wonder when we will?
Likely to be December 2008. But still tentative of course. :)
@ hrin
@.@ *double-take*
WOW, that fast?
thank you so much for answering the question i asked - i really wasn't expecting a reply!
that's great news!
It amuses me that even when I was looking at that TEENY bit of the map, and I can't read hangul, I knew it'll be located in the area between ustiur and the rest of the world =)
P.S. Got an elite 84 armor for my fighter in ABS. =D My lucky streak continues!
@ winterlake
the even odder thing is that why is there an actual direct road between Reboldoeux and Eraku? i hope they talk about that as part of the Third Civ storyline.
[because if there's a path from Rebo to Eraku, why didn't Rebo prevent Eraku from turning into a ghost town?]
ANOTHER elite armor? you ARE lucky ^^
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