In this post, I just want to call attention to the fact that Darrick Reclusion, Presea, and I have submitted entries to the Open Category Week of the currently ongoing Fantazzztic Ads Awards 2008-2009. Please do check out our efforts, and remember to watch in high quality where it is available.
First Submission: Dumb & Dumber
Second Submission: NO BABES!
Darrick Reclusion: Detrimental
NineMoons: Priceless
NineMoons: The Credits Roll
Rosso, as always, for the inspiration
Presea for the kickass VO
ALL HAIL LELOUCH! [and we should!] for post-prod, SFX, and all-around awesomeness
This ad is an affectionate parody/spoof, adapted to Granado Espada, of MasterCard's Priceless campaign. The original slogan is "There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard."
It's just that my advocacy has always been about female gamers and how they should not be considered as separate and/or unequal to their male counterparts. Hence, a girl-powered spin on the beloved, long-running campaign.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Thursday, November 27, 2008
NineMoons's Last Stand: Farewell to the New World
This is likely to be the final post at the NineMoons Family blog. I want to wrap things up properly, and get the last bits of everything off my chest, before I leave the New World, and I hope you and I can soldier on to the end together.
The Yays
YAY to RCM Hrin. She may not update her blog so frequently, and she may not always be in the forums or in-game, but she has always been my favorite GE-admin-type person. She's sweet and funny and kind - and if you're polite and patient enough she will always be accessible for any comments or questions.
YAY to the GE PH community, who continue to crusade for the game even after over a year of indifference, lack of promotion and distribution, and even the occasional act of sabotage. They come to the defense of the New World when they are called, and stay vigilant against all attacks. They are its true and stalwart pioneers and they are its most deserving inhabitants.
YAY to the GE PH fan artists: the fanfic writers, the fanart creators, the machinima directors, the independent cosplayers, and everyone else in between who has contributed their tangible and considerable talent to the community. You may be a small group and you may not always win the prizes, but your talent and sheer love for the game definitely show how much you rock.
YAY to the GE bloggers, and especially to the horde of them in the GE PH players' community. Without them, the game might have sunk into obscurity and be left on the wayside as other gamers rush towards what's new and what's shiny without considering the relative merits and demerits of each. The GE PH bloggers have fought long and hard for the game to get equal attention and love from the local gaming community. I may have started the entire GE fan-blog thing, but I could never in a million years have done it alone. It is everyone else who followed this little idea who are the real heroes - they didn't have to, but they did, and that makes all the difference.
And finally, YAY to all the friends I have made through this blog and through this game. I make no secret of the fact that if it weren't for GE in the first place I would never even have started this blog - hence I owe any tiny measure of celebrity and recognition I now possess to GE. But more important that that are the true friends that I have discovered in the process of playing, blogging, and living GE. There are many of them, and there are even some of them I may not get to meet in real life, and they are all cherished and dear to me.
[And now, because every list of Yays must have a list of Nays to balance it out.]
The Nays
NAY to IP e-Games. It's been a recurring theme in this blog, ever since that extreme disillusioning sometime during 2007. Thanks for nothing. Yes, you lot brought in the game, you distributed the pretty posters and the very first set of installers - and then after that there was really not a whole lot of anything. You let us down and dropped us as though we were hot potatoes, all the while enticing people to play your other games instead without mentioning the game you once marketed as the first Triple-A MMORPG brought to the Philippines. I don't know how to run a game publishing business, but I am certainly not going to run it as you attempted to do for GE, because you botched it, big time.
NAY to the fishers and to the saboteurs both in the community and from the competition. Nice try, kids.
As I write my final dispatch from the New World, I wonder how much it will take in terms of money, talent, and love to bring the game back to the forefront of gaming in the Philippines. GE has been unfairly sidelined and woefully underpromoted.
I only pray that the game can survive. It has its very devoted fans and its loyal players. Long may they last and well may they prosper.
~NineMoons, as she lays her pen down
27 November 2008
[One year, eight months, and fifteen days in the New World]
The Yays
YAY to RCM Hrin. She may not update her blog so frequently, and she may not always be in the forums or in-game, but she has always been my favorite GE-admin-type person. She's sweet and funny and kind - and if you're polite and patient enough she will always be accessible for any comments or questions.
YAY to the GE PH community, who continue to crusade for the game even after over a year of indifference, lack of promotion and distribution, and even the occasional act of sabotage. They come to the defense of the New World when they are called, and stay vigilant against all attacks. They are its true and stalwart pioneers and they are its most deserving inhabitants.
YAY to the GE PH fan artists: the fanfic writers, the fanart creators, the machinima directors, the independent cosplayers, and everyone else in between who has contributed their tangible and considerable talent to the community. You may be a small group and you may not always win the prizes, but your talent and sheer love for the game definitely show how much you rock.
YAY to the GE bloggers, and especially to the horde of them in the GE PH players' community. Without them, the game might have sunk into obscurity and be left on the wayside as other gamers rush towards what's new and what's shiny without considering the relative merits and demerits of each. The GE PH bloggers have fought long and hard for the game to get equal attention and love from the local gaming community. I may have started the entire GE fan-blog thing, but I could never in a million years have done it alone. It is everyone else who followed this little idea who are the real heroes - they didn't have to, but they did, and that makes all the difference.
And finally, YAY to all the friends I have made through this blog and through this game. I make no secret of the fact that if it weren't for GE in the first place I would never even have started this blog - hence I owe any tiny measure of celebrity and recognition I now possess to GE. But more important that that are the true friends that I have discovered in the process of playing, blogging, and living GE. There are many of them, and there are even some of them I may not get to meet in real life, and they are all cherished and dear to me.
[And now, because every list of Yays must have a list of Nays to balance it out.]
The Nays
NAY to IP e-Games. It's been a recurring theme in this blog, ever since that extreme disillusioning sometime during 2007. Thanks for nothing. Yes, you lot brought in the game, you distributed the pretty posters and the very first set of installers - and then after that there was really not a whole lot of anything. You let us down and dropped us as though we were hot potatoes, all the while enticing people to play your other games instead without mentioning the game you once marketed as the first Triple-A MMORPG brought to the Philippines. I don't know how to run a game publishing business, but I am certainly not going to run it as you attempted to do for GE, because you botched it, big time.
NAY to the fishers and to the saboteurs both in the community and from the competition. Nice try, kids.
As I write my final dispatch from the New World, I wonder how much it will take in terms of money, talent, and love to bring the game back to the forefront of gaming in the Philippines. GE has been unfairly sidelined and woefully underpromoted.
I only pray that the game can survive. It has its very devoted fans and its loyal players. Long may they last and well may they prosper.
~NineMoons, as she lays her pen down
27 November 2008
[One year, eight months, and fifteen days in the New World]
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
NineMoons's Last Stand: 2008's Best Posts
I had been hoping that it would not come to this. But if I'm going out, I'm going out with a bang.
NineMoons's Last Stand, Part 1: The best posts from 2008
NineMoons at POGS 2008
Grace Bernelli and the Art of Dying
Dekaravia Owns Cervantes
The 2nd GE PH Bloggers' Meeting
World Premiere: Not Another Love Story Ze Musical
For Love of the Game
FFA Grand Finale: The Philippines Rocks Machinima
Post-FFA Rant
NineMoons's First Anniversary
NineMoons Moves to Carracci
Not Another Love Story, all versions
GE PH Community Heroes
Tribute to the Ladies
NineMoons's Convention Guide, Part 1
Dom1nation II: Cosplay and Factions
Dom1nation II: FFA Winners, GE PH Community Heroes
Dinner with RCM Hrin
I Believe in seaGE
GVCs Rant, Part 1
GVCs Rant, Part 2
Takhisis Faction Anniversary EB
The Five Servers of SEA / ANZ Granado Espada
GE Hangaroo, Version 1.0
Introducing Granado Espada to Gamers
Introducing Granado Espada to Non-Gamers
GE Hangaroo, Version 1.2
NineMoons at the Vault
50k Hits
If These Girls Played GE
NineMoons Makes Vet
NineMoons and the One about the GE Gamer Girls
An Adventurer is You!
GE PH Mini Community Meeting with CM Aethrin
Vetting a Musk
GE PH First Anniversary
NineMoons's Convention Guide, Part 2
GE PH Black Party
The One About The Faithful Granado Espada Blogger
NineMoons as Faction Leader: ShenAnCalhar
A Gamer Girl's Lament
e-Games Hosts the GE PH Gamer Girls
The Two Servers of SEA / ANZ Granado Espada
Presenting the NineMoons Family Grabber
Game! November 2008 Features GE Gamer Girls
Five Hundred Posts
Now is your chance to relive with me my memories of this year in Granado Espada. Please comment away!
NineMoons's Last Stand, Part 1: The best posts from 2008
NineMoons at POGS 2008
Grace Bernelli and the Art of Dying
Dekaravia Owns Cervantes
The 2nd GE PH Bloggers' Meeting
World Premiere: Not Another Love Story Ze Musical
For Love of the Game
FFA Grand Finale: The Philippines Rocks Machinima
Post-FFA Rant
NineMoons's First Anniversary
NineMoons Moves to Carracci
Not Another Love Story, all versions
GE PH Community Heroes
Tribute to the Ladies
NineMoons's Convention Guide, Part 1
Dom1nation II: Cosplay and Factions
Dom1nation II: FFA Winners, GE PH Community Heroes
Dinner with RCM Hrin
I Believe in seaGE
GVCs Rant, Part 1
GVCs Rant, Part 2
Takhisis Faction Anniversary EB
The Five Servers of SEA / ANZ Granado Espada
GE Hangaroo, Version 1.0
Introducing Granado Espada to Gamers
Introducing Granado Espada to Non-Gamers
GE Hangaroo, Version 1.2
NineMoons at the Vault
50k Hits
If These Girls Played GE
NineMoons Makes Vet
NineMoons and the One about the GE Gamer Girls
An Adventurer is You!
GE PH Mini Community Meeting with CM Aethrin
Vetting a Musk
GE PH First Anniversary
NineMoons's Convention Guide, Part 2
GE PH Black Party
The One About The Faithful Granado Espada Blogger
NineMoons as Faction Leader: ShenAnCalhar
A Gamer Girl's Lament
e-Games Hosts the GE PH Gamer Girls
The Two Servers of SEA / ANZ Granado Espada
Presenting the NineMoons Family Grabber
Game! November 2008 Features GE Gamer Girls
Five Hundred Posts
Now is your chance to relive with me my memories of this year in Granado Espada. Please comment away!
blog honors,
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Granado Espada Version 3.2: Cute Overload!
Continuing the series of projected updates to Granado Espada from the Version 3.0 cycle, which is currently undergoing testing in kGE and has now been published to the fan site:
- A new feature, the Team Arena, where you can do the usual plethora of boss hunting and rare-loot gathering, but with an extra bonus of having some sort of assistant personnel in there with you and your squad. From the little I could understand of the rudimentary translation into English, the assistant personnel - actually soldiers from the towns - grant buffs and debuffs to you and your squad, the better to take the bosses out.
- The Super Fight admission times will be reduced to just five minutes from the opening of the portals, rather than the current ten. Admission will now be secured through larger versions of the Ferruccio Espada statues - sort of like the Pioneering Memorials blown up to around thrice the usual size. Still not as large as the one in the Ferruccio Junction, of course.

- Seventh Barracks! Now it's possible to have up to 63 characters to choose your current MCC team from!
- Modifications tothe Colony Buffs the Family's Protection buffs [thanks to commenter Souken], which look like they've been adjusted upwards.

- It's your birthday and you're logged in to the New World? Then you'll be receiving a Birthday Gift Box! There will be cake, a birthday firecracker - I wonder if it really does proclaim "Happy Birthday!" when you set it off - and at least a pair of wings for you! No word on the wings' duration, though.
But the thing that has me MOST excited about Granado Espada 3.2 is of course none other than THIS:

Yes, a PET PANDA! The official name of this cutest critter of them all is "Panpan." No word on stats, abilities, or cost yet but I DON'T CARE - wantwantwantwantwant. Pandas Rule!

Pandas are ♥♥♥♥♥ and you know it! *grabby hands*
Source in English
- A new feature, the Team Arena, where you can do the usual plethora of boss hunting and rare-loot gathering, but with an extra bonus of having some sort of assistant personnel in there with you and your squad. From the little I could understand of the rudimentary translation into English, the assistant personnel - actually soldiers from the towns - grant buffs and debuffs to you and your squad, the better to take the bosses out.
- The Super Fight admission times will be reduced to just five minutes from the opening of the portals, rather than the current ten. Admission will now be secured through larger versions of the Ferruccio Espada statues - sort of like the Pioneering Memorials blown up to around thrice the usual size. Still not as large as the one in the Ferruccio Junction, of course.

- Seventh Barracks! Now it's possible to have up to 63 characters to choose your current MCC team from!
- Modifications to

- It's your birthday and you're logged in to the New World? Then you'll be receiving a Birthday Gift Box! There will be cake, a birthday firecracker - I wonder if it really does proclaim "Happy Birthday!" when you set it off - and at least a pair of wings for you! No word on the wings' duration, though.
But the thing that has me MOST excited about Granado Espada 3.2 is of course none other than THIS:

Yes, a PET PANDA! The official name of this cutest critter of them all is "Panpan." No word on stats, abilities, or cost yet but I DON'T CARE - wantwantwantwantwant. Pandas Rule!

Pandas are ♥♥♥♥♥ and you know it! *grabby hands*
Source in English
field notes,
ge official,
general info,
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Hmm, this is odd.
After taking such pains to explain and justify the merging of 3 PK servers into one, and 2 non-PK servers ditto, what is the reason for the sudden rush towards this?
[Unless, of course, the answer lies in the very fact of Bach containing THREE PK servers. Then the question becomes, have things gotten overcrowded in a hurry?]
[Unless, of course, the answer lies in the very fact of Bach containing THREE PK servers. Then the question becomes, have things gotten overcrowded in a hurry?]
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